Prava corrigere, et recta corroborare, et sancta sublimare

Correcting the false, strengthening the true and elevating the sacred

Nietzsche, From the estate of the eighties

These heroic and rapturous lines from Nietzsche's estate, which are quoted with pleasure - here edited for better readability - are, on closer inspection, not a transfiguration of the will to power.

For the will to power is there at best a good will to oneself, which knows no other goal than the circle.

People as will to power - and nothing else actually exist in abundance.

You should recognize them and, tired of them, make them harmless.

We do not want the eternal circulus vitiosus of murder, manslaughter and mutual extinction in ever better filmed wars.

The will to power only leads the world deeper and deeper into the underworld in a downward spiral.

Perhaps the world has been the will to power - and nothing else until now.

High time for a correction:

We want to be more than a will to power that leads us like dancing bears on the ring in the nose willy-nilly in the circle of the fatalistic eternal return of the same.

Rather the will to knowledge - and nothing else suggests itself:

A real will to a long adventurous journey among companions with the goal of the self-knowledge of life.
