This picture, supposedly taken by my surveillance camera on 07/27/2021, is either fake as photo-shopped or lying as staged

Preamble to this post

I have tried to post this in various places:

The criminals who insisted on removing my post are less than a piece of shit.

They are committing a crime against humanity and are proud of it.

One can respect some criminals for their intelligence or courage.

What they are doing does not merit the name crime:

Cabrera Infante, Crimen, ¡cuántas libertades se cometen en tu nombre!

If I survive this I will prosecute all the guys who criminally removed my post: They will go to jail.

They have the power to remove my post but are afraid of confronting me in a conversation.

As always:

The powerful are corrupted by their power until their brains are nothing but sponges.

Can't you see why I am deliberately sharing my own private information.

This explanation for taking down my post exposes the criminality at work:

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I re-post my stuff which was removed for no sane reason whatsoever.

Sorry, my native language is German. Please excuse mistakes in my use of English.

Legally I am being accused of nothing. This is completely criminal. They don't want to take this to court.

First they wanted to kill me by suicide or take care of me in an institution depriving me of all my rights:

No longer being able to speak in court they would have ruined my family driving them to suicide.

I didn't do them the favor.

So they are looking for other means and they will find them.

What can you do if a state or some other criminal agent with vast resources wants to kill you?

I openly admit that I have troubles.

I call it a nervous disorder. But I am neither schizophrenic nor paranoid.

My name and address:

Andreas Pfefferle
Im Eichbäumle 18
76139 Karlsruhe

I am married and I have an eighteen year old son. My parents live next door.

None of them can or want to help me in this matter.

They wanted to commit the perfect crime exterminating my whole family but I spoiled the party.

This is the end game.

Now they will certainly kill me if this doesn't go viral.

If I were simply delusional, paranoid or schizophrenic they would put me in an institution by court order.

But they can't because I have documents and hardware to prove that I am right.

It is possible that I am a public person locally or globally without knowing:

My family's access to news is filtered and manipulated:

For this purpose they even installed additional dedicated telephone and TV lines.

Believe it or not they print a customized newspaper for us and criminal contact persons we thought were our friends so they can speak with us.

They claim or are going to claim that I am a perverse pedophile.

Probably I have also raped dozens of women.

All this is complete nonsense:

I have never committed a crime in my life according to the German Penal Code.

Now the post:

Picture fake or staged: They wanted to kill me making it appear a suicide and then frame me thereby exterminating my whole family by suicide

This picture, supposedly taken by my surveillance camera on 07/27/2021, is either fake as photo-shopped or lying as staged.

The guys in police uniform, probably real police officers, are criminals who either were never at my home or never with me at my home. In the second case, the person, supposedly me, sandwiched between the uniformed rascals, is in fact not me but somebody else impersonating me.

Because of an incident on 07/27/2021 involving four uniformed morons, three men, and one woman, who the surveillance camera should have captured, I wanted to check the camera around 01:00 am on 07/28/2021: It was gone. I entered and searched my house with suspicions, noting a missing cell phone. Alarmed, I decided to spend the night at my parent's. Around 06:00 am on 07/28/2021 the surveillance camera was back. A check revealed the replacement of the flash disk by another one, where I found the above-mentioned fake or lying photo. Later I discovered the missing cell phone in my house in the living room under an armchair.

My only explanation for all of this is, that somebody had illegally taken the cell phone from my house and the surveillance camera from my garden to criminally manipulate them quickly before bringing them back, a plain falsification of evidence.

Unfortunately, I thwarted their hopes of nobody noticing.

The police or some other criminal agent with vast resources wanted to frame me after killing me that day/night making it appear like a suicide thereby exterminating my whole family by suicide with false allegations about me.

The Art of Being Insane Madness and Civilization Business Site

Journey to the End of the Night

Diesen Blog-Beitrag in deutscher Sprache lesen

Notre vie est un voyage
Dans l'hiver et dans la Nuit,
Nous cherchons notre passage
Dans le Ciel où rien ne luit.
Chanson des Gardes suisses (1793)
Citée en tête de Céline, Voyage au bout de la nuit
C'est peut-être ça qu'on cherche à travers la vie, rien que cela, le plus grand chagrin possible pour devenir soi-même avant de mourir.
Céline, Voyage au bout de la nuit
Journey to the End of the Night
Du fond du grabat
As-tu vu l'étoile
Que l'hiver dévoile?
Comme ton coeur bat,
Comme cette idée,
Regret ou désir,
Ravage à plaisir
Ta tête obsédée,
Pauvre tête en feu,
Pauvre coeur sans dieu!
Vis en attendant
L’heure toute proche.
Ne sois pas prudent.
Trêve à tout reproche.
Fais ce que tu veux.
Une main te guide
À travers le vide
Affreux de tes vœux.
Un peu de courage,
C’est le bon orage.
Verlaine, Via dolorosa

Même sur un banc d’accusé, il est toujours intéressant d’entendre parler de soi.

Pendant les plaidoiries du procureur et de mon avocat, je peux dire qu’on a beaucoup parlé de moi et peut être plus de moi que de mon crime.

Étaient-elles si différentes d’ailleurs, ces plaidoiries ?

L’avocat levait les bras et plaidait coupable, mais avec excuses.

Le procureur tendait ses mains et dénonçait la culpabilité, mais sans excuses.

Une chose pourtant me gênait vaguement.

Malgré mes préoccupations, j’étais parfois tenté d’intervenir et mon avocat me disait alors:

Taisez-vous, cela vaut mieux pour votre affaire.

En quelque sorte, on avait l’air de traiter cette affaire en dehors de moi.

Tout se déroulait sans mon intervention.

Mon sort se réglait sans qu’on prenne mon avis.

De temps en temps, j’avais envie d’interrompre tout le monde et de dire:

Mais tout de même, qui est l’accusé ? C’est important d’être l’accusé.

Et j’ai quelque chose à dire.

Mais réflexion faite, je n’avais rien à dire.

D’ailleurs, je dois reconnaître que l’intérêt qu’on trouve à occuper les gens ne dure pas longtemps.

Par exemple, la plaidoirie du procureur m’a très vite lassé.

Ce sont seulement des fragments, des gestes ou des tirades entières, mais détachées de l’ensemble, qui m’ont frappé ou ont éveillé mon intérêt.

Camus, L' Étranger

Coming out: Nameless suffering.

At some point, I may have been twelve or thirteen years old, my hitherto carefree life had become very difficult and painful:

I no longer understood myself.

An ego disorder and a demarcation problem, no boundary at all between inside and outside, between ego and world, spoiled my sojourn among people to the point of its impossibility.

Some philanthropists at my school deemed it smart to make fun of my suffering and persuaded me to participate in a play - Morts sans sépulture (Men without shadows) by Sartre.

I knew I would make a complete fool of myself.

But since I was asked so imploringly, I didn't want to be a killjoy or a spoiler.

In doing so, however, I underestimated the criminal energy and baseness of my fellow men:

They ensured a full house and presumably, for the more effective realization of this jointly and deliberately planned and committed crime, the presence of suitable personalities.

A classmate - a proven aficionado of theater and film with justified ambitions for a sky-rocketing career as a cinematographer - recorded the spectacle.

Since we had all performed so beautifully and since the performance was overall a well-received success, a small tour of our troupe was already being considered.

This plan was finally abandoned:

Obviously they were satisfied and had successfully switched me to the track intended for my future ridiculization:

I deeply regret not being able to feel grateful enough.

Coming out: A misnomer for my suffering.

In late autumn of the year 1988, I rang the bell three times during one day at my neighbors, the L. family, because I felt threatened.

However, nobody opened the door: I still cannot say with complete certainty whether anyone noticed me.

On that day, I also rang the bell with my neighbors, the W. family.

They opened the door for me, and I asked if W., the son of the L. family, had just been with them.

Since the question was not understood, I apologized and left.

It was, undoubtedly, a weird performance.

After I had revealed my state of mental confusion to a friend and my father, I consulted a medical doctor, Dr. F., on their advice at the beginning of January 1989.

Months of outpatient and inpatient treatment followed.

At that time, I was a student of mechanical engineering in the third semester, for which I called in sick.

In the next semester, I was able to resume my studies and earn my intermediate diploma in the spring of 1990.


Later in the year 1990, unfortunately, my health deteriorated again.

Through mediation of a school friend I came into treatment of an alternative practitioner (Heilpraktikerin), a curly-blonde, Aryan-homeopathic, promotionally-healthy and altogether-sympathetic alternative to the Judaized conventional medicine, Mrs. G.

Treatment took the form of hypnotherapy.

For the ever old-school, then still science-believing health insurance, unable to appreciate innovative and revolutionary methods of treatment, the hypnotherapy had to be hidden under a suitable, more traditional cover:

The insurance company had to be cheated in the name of progress by an obviously megalomaniac shaman!

During hypnotherapy - Do I have to emphasize that I was in no way hypnotized? - I also mentioned my particular sensitivity to noise, especially door slamming, as well as my impression that everyone was laughing at me.

My condition continued to deteriorate. When Mrs. G. wanted to refer me to a hypnosis clinic, I broke the treatment off.

As a woman, she felt I was suffering from a lack of self-confidence.

I wondered if she suffered from a tit or brain damage, or both:

I was desperate and seriously ill, but had to have it revealed to me that I had come to an alternative practitioner out of a lack of self-confidence.

Dumber was impossible.

I realized that as a woman who was fond of herself and who liked to talk a lot, she had to serve everything I said still hot to an inclined, outraged and horrified, but actually morbidly fascinated, audience.

In order to make the temptation sweeter for Eve, I decided to give her excellent material, exaggerated and lied, while being scrupulously attentive not to say anything punishable by law.

I suffer from a nervous disorder and, as a reasonably rational person, I decidedly affirm that such a disease has not the slightest thing to do with sexuality.

However, I am sufficiently familiar with the nonsense of Freudian psychoanalysis to know that there everything is attributed to the sex drive.

In front of the alternative practitioner G. I took the liberty of advancing the absurd hypothesis, perfectly Freudian, that my suffering might in some mysterious way be explained in terms of sexuality: I had the inkling of thereby flattering her female taste.

I wanted to buy this woman: Finding a cheaper one was impossible!

Her whole decades-long income activities as an alternative practitioner are nothing else than professional fraud, covered by the injustice state Federal Republic of Germany .

A decades-long crime that she thinks she can be proud of, just because it is condoned.

My wildest fantasies as to the stupidity, cowardice, vanity and mendacity of a part of this world and its inhabitants should pale in front of reality.

My family and I became, against any law, victims of unprecedented misdemeanors that, out of cowardice, do not deserve the name crime.

True, it is brutal what these representatives of healthy folk are doing to us.

But it is even more brutal what these representatives of healthy folk do to themselves.

For one cannot sink any lower:

Everything that should constitute the West, that should define, us, the Occident, has been betrayed:

Rule of law, fidelity to the constitution, human rights, human dignity, humanity, humaneness, freedom, truth, science.

Millions, to whom we have dedicated monuments, memorials and commemorative sites, whose decency, courage and sacrifice are invoked on public holidays, died fighting for these values.

They were not understood, but betrayed:

The monuments, memorials, commemorative sites and public holidays were worth nothing.

Later, during darkest years and years and decades and decades of defenseless and powerless suffering, I wondered:

Was the greatness of this deed too great for me?

Man of La Mancha


The termination without notice

In December 1991, my father attempted to terminate the tenants of his real estate property without notice due to a serious breach of trust.

We had been robbed and the tenants had let total strangers into our house, including a God-blessed thief who performed the crime of theft for his audience, as defined in the German Penal Code, without charging any entrance fee.

However, the tenants refused to accept the notice. In the course of the year 1992 my father conceded without court dispute.

I had been avoiding any conversation with the tenants for quite some time.

But one young woman decided to move out.

She had caught my eye about a year earlier, weeping in front of our house.

Later that day, she had my worried mother comfort her at our dining room table.

I felt sorry for her and actually wanted to ask what was wrong with her and how it might be possible to help.

However, due to my nervous disorder, which also manifests itself as an ego disturbance, I could not possibly speek with her, which pained and preoccupied me.

This event transformed her for me into a Beatrice or a Laura: Seen once, never spoken and never forgotten.

I had also mentioned the young woman vis-a-vis the alternative practitioner G.

If someone claims now that my complexescoerced her into moving out I must reject this as gross nonsense:

I really can't be held responsible, if the alternative practitioner G., directly or indirectly, made her afraid of me.

Spain: ¡Todo bajo el sol!

In January 1992, I traveled to Madrid for an internship. There I shared an apartment with two other men.

One worked nights and came home around six in the morning.

After about two days, he started slamming the door in the morning, with a force that almost made you fall out of bed.

In Spain, my health situation deteriorated further and rapidly.

By virtue of reading the great Peruvian intellectual Mario Vargas. Llosa, here the essay volume La verdad des las mentiras, the story volume Los jefes and the story Los cachorrors, I was trying to fight the decline.

Finally, during a short, one-week stay in the Basque town of Vitoria, where a Daimler-Benz plant is located, I decided to leave the beautiful, sun-blessed country in a hurry to abort my internship.

In Vitoria, the organizers made me change apartment twice.

I shared the first two apartments each night with one different man.

In the third apartment, where I spent the rest of the week, I encountered a woman and two teenage girls.

By their account, they were a single mother and her daughters who had moved from Barcelona, Catalonia, to Vitoria, Basque Country.

Because, fortunately, I could even talk to them, since they spoke not only Basque and Catalan, but also Spanish.

After about a day, a young German woman joined us as an additional tenant.

On my hasty departure from Vitoria after a week, I pressed the rent for two months into the hand of the landlady.

She thanked me profusely and expressed her regrets about my departure, since she saw such a nice young man in me.

I spent the last few days before my departure, more or less delirious, in the "Hostal Filo" at the Plaza Santa Ana in Madrid.

I had the impression that they had evacuated the whole hostal to make room for about thirty passengers of a bus whose arrival I had observed in front of the entrance.

My entire sojourn in this hostal was additionally severely disturbed by senseless, loud door slamming and other inexplicable noise on the floor above.

Need I mention that I did not harm anyone in Spain, nor did I commit any other crime there?

When the day of my departure had finally come, the cab drivers, very annoyingly, were on strike:

I still made it to the airport, albeit late, so I had to transfer to another flight.

With my last ounce of strength, I managed to reach Strasbourg airport via Paris-Orly.

While I waited for hours into the night for my parents, whom I had asked by phone to pick me up, I noticed a motorcade of black sedans and vans with gorgeous blue light flashing, moving majestically leisurely through the darkness.

Apparently, I was invited to admire the stately caravan of a, by virtue of her values, for the well-being of the world immensely important, worth protecting person and her, admittedly, very impressive bodyguards.

In the Fatherland

Back in Germany, I tried, despite my poor health situation, to complete my studies: I started a student research project at the Institute of Measurement and Control Engineering. My supervisor was Mr. Z.

Everywhere I was treated like dirt or, at best, patronizingly pitied.

Everyone felt called upon to ridicule me.

It was a witch hunt, another crime against me, that of incitement of the people to hatred.

I don't know how many crimes have been committed against me, I've lost track and can't keep up with counting.

My life felt like it was portrayed in the movie The Truman Show with Jim Carrey:

It felt unreal.

I wasn't living, I was just trying to survive until the spook would finally be over.

The physiotherapist's daughter

There was the daughter of one of my parents' physical therapists, C., then perhaps seventeen years old, who had been frequenting our house for about ten years.

My father, I think, was sort of a surrogate father to her, since she had grown up without the presence of a father.

All of a sudden, she started hitting on me to mock me, pretending to be interested in me and absolutely had to be there when I was taken once again, for degradation, to the rehabilitation center in Karlsbad-Langensteinbach.

I ignored her mockery, because, somehow, I had to kill time.

So we watched movies together and went to dance classes

I didn't enjoy it at all.

She imagined having the fun of mockery and was allowed to be part of a supposedly righteous, kitchen-psychology folk project of not even a regulars' table level.

And after all, as is the way with some women, she felt pretty and wanted.

She's really not ugly, but her mind is - I'll allow myself to give credit to the truth - completely childish, hollow and narrow.

If C. claims that anything has been done to her by me or anyone else in my family, this must be punished as pathetic slander:

It may be disappointing and hurtful for her vanity, but nobody was interested in her as a sex object.

She is just trying to suck up to the majority and the prevailing opinion.

C. is nothing but a feather in the wind.

The gift of life

The gift of life, it was poisoned.

Do you throw it away?.

Every second I thought about it then.

But since they obviously wanted to murder first me and then my family for no reason at all, I had something against it and wanted to fight.

I was dealing with serious and heavy criminals, who had the comic desire of being revered as saints in society.

Any means was fine for these people, as long as they could maintain the appearance of innocence.

I, too, wanted to go to the very last limit to slam the world a surprise in the face, to teach it an unforgettable lesson for eternity and to expose this pathetic, cowardly crime, which doesn't even deserve this name.

Sometimes you run out of steam and survive only by chance, luck, bad luck, providence, whatever you want to call it, or by the fate that my former, completely criminal neighbor Mrs. W. wanted to inflict on me.

Today I know that my former neighbor Mrs. W., as a woman, does not only confuse impertinence with self-confidence, but also criminal energy with women's power

To her excuse, we concede that this can happen to any somewhat underexposed woman as a woman.

But after winter comes spring, even if you feel like shit. Summer follows inevitably, it seems.

And aren't some women really somehow pretty, somehow interesting and somehow not stupid at all.

Not as a woman, but just like that.

In this beautiful season, I met a young Spanish woman, N., in the year 1993, and considered her, actually true, attractive.

Of course, I didn't know whether she was part of the Truman Show or real.

She had learned German, was learning German, and spoke German well.

I had learned Spanish, was learning Spanish, and spoke Spanish well.

There were common interests and common activities.

At the quarry pond, she convinced me of the immaculate shapeliness of her body.

All according to protocol: Start by holding hands!

We made a trip to the Black Forest, and I showed her the cathedral of the city of Freiburg.

Apparently she loved being provocative: Te estoy toquando en una iglesia! she said.

And so she did.

Even though much, or all of it, sucked, I almost felt a bit alive:

Boy meets girl. Un homme et une femme.

I remembered the novel Brave New World by Aldous Huxley.

In this dystopia, one' s role in society is determined before birth.

Genetic manipulation is used to ensure general satisfaction.

This way, social peace is secured: No one conceives of the absurd idea of questioning anything.

Old-fashioned social phenomena, such as criticism, conflict, disobedience, rebellion, revolt or even revolution, have finally been overcome for the benefit of the world population.

Feelings are genetically abolished as a danger to society. At any sign of discomfort, soma is administered.

Unfortunately, in the case of one of the protagonists, the genetic manipulation was not a complete success:

An unfortunate operational error in the lab turns this character into the other one, the stranger, including troublesome feelings

While reading, I felt a certain identification with this lamentable laboratory accident.

On the return trip from Freiburg to Karlsruhe, it came to what I want to call here, euphemistically, a Brave New World incident.

The mistake I made would not have been a big deal, since fortunately nothing happened:

I could have had my driver's license suspended for it.

Of course, I had no intention of hurting the woman who in the weeks before, to some degree, had brought me back to life.

The young and attractive Spanish woman N., who apparently could not remember this passage from Huxley, had forgiven me.

Directly after my mistake we kissed.

We were a couple for some time and dutifully had something akin to sex. When we were no longer a couple, we remained friends.

In 1997, I visited her in Madrid.

She asked me, Y tú, ¿porqué estás siempre tan triste?

By now she will know the answer to her question.

Because in 1999, her behavior changed completely - as did that of all of my contact persons - even if they pretend to be still friends.

I lost all my friends, if I still had any, at that time.

My friends turned into enemies who commit nothing but crimes against me.

As we kissed in the car on the highway parking lot, I saw in the rear view mirror two smirking, obviously education-remote, men in a vehicle parked behind mine.

They had me tailed, completely illegally.

The education-remote smarty pants abstained, however, from suspending my driver's license, since that would have betrayed the tailing.

Respect: Quite peasant shrewd!

Nevertheless, this cunning will painfully backfire.

The men I had seen in the rear view mirror later came up with the aforementioned bosom wonder from Villingen-Schwenningen and must have made contact with the young and attractive Spanish woman N. in 1999.

It's all about framing me for crimes, humiliating and degrading me.

Probably these felons, in complete distortion of the facts, have framed me for dozens of crimes that are actually other crimes against me.

Nothing goes to court, because there, not I, but the actual criminals, most serious and heavy felons, would be sentenced to enjoy a life term, including full board, free of charge, as inmates of a correctional institution.

Instead, it is claimed, although in my entire life I have never committed a crime according to the German Penal Code, that I do not even deserve a constitutional judicial process.

These criminals have committed a pathetic crime against the young and attractive Spanish woman N. and me.

If we lived in a state under the rule of law, both, those who ordered the unlawful tailing and those who carried it out would not be walking around freely.

Coercion and assault

One evening in 1994 - I was sitting at my research project in the mezzanine - there was suddenly loud noise and laughter behind our house. Twice, the door slammed loudly. One could reach this volume only with a deliberate expenditure of energy.

One thought, the window panes would shatter.

The loud slamming of the doors, sometimes with a striking laugh, continued from that day until January 2007: ten, fifteen, or twenty times a day, our windows were shaking.

My father once said that, when Mrs. L. closed the door, you fell off the chair.

But it is not clear for sure who slammed the door or who or what created the sounds.

The constant door slamming had a catastrophic effect on my health. I felt like a soldier in the trenches under artillery fire and hardly dared to leave the house:

Every time it hit me in the face like a fist: Since then, I've been staggering through life like a battered boxer through the ring.

I tried to advance my student research project and diploma thesis in the basement to escape the noise.

To no avail: I was forced to live and work in the Black Forest for long periods.

I laboriously dragged myself through the tunnel to the diploma certificate in 1997. However, in a certain sense, I have never written a student research project or a diploma thesis in my whole life.

In 1998 I began working as a socially insured software developer.

Collapse! Two times, please!

In 1999 I started a new job at the company m..

One morning, as I was about to enter the office building, I came across a man who looked like my medical doctor, Dr. F.

What was he doing here?

My fellow student R., with whom I had prepared for many exams and with whom I had done a lot of sports - swimming, cycling and running - invited me one weekend on a cycling trip.

For the approach we used his Volkswagen bus, in which one could also transport the bicycles.

To my surprise, he chose a tour in France, probably somewhere in Alsace.

He parked the Volkswagen bus on a country road directly in front of a Gendarmerie.


What is the probability of driving to France and parking the vehicle on a country road directly in front of a Gendarmerie?

Obviously, R. had deliberately chosen this area and knew how conspicuous this parking lot was.

The secretary of company m. told me, completely unbelievably, that she was related to both my father's and my mother's family and how small the world was.

Good friends invited me regularly to Sunday soccer fun, where I was much needed as a head ball wonder.

In defense, though to the chagrin of my good friends, I was a safe bench on which one despaired on some days: Today I just can't get past him!

My exploits on the football field, of which the whole world had taken note, had therefore naturally to be commented on wittily by the managing director of the company m.

Obviously, the world was perfectly all right and everyone appreciated me, if they did not even secretly love me.

One day I noticed an article in our local newspaper BNN (Badische Neueste Nachrichten) which reported in a criminal case about a type of pedophilia unknown to me until then, in which men commit crimes against small children and even babies.

I wondered if such a deviation could exist and if this article was fake.

During this time one evening, I received a phone call from a man who pretended to be my medical doctor, Dr. C., from a rehabilitation hospital and also sounded like him. He inquired about my condition, where I worked, and the name of the managing director of the company.

I did not understand why he wanted to know the name of the managing director.

I often made my way to work by bicycle.

In doing so, I had to cross in the morning and in the evening a bridge over a road near a kindergarten.

For a while, I wondered in the morning about a great number of children of early kindergarten age holding hands with adults on and behind the bridge, walking conspicuously away from the kindergarten.

Where did they regularly go to in the morning?

Sometimes I went to the office of the company on weekends, too. On one of these weekends, I lay down on the floor because I was dizzy. In an everyday conversation, the managing director, Mr. H., later casually and senselessly interspersed the sentence that he could as well lie down on the floor.

Did cameras monitor the office?

All this made me suspicious and confused me. Therefore I sought a conversation with the managing director and an employee.

I explained that I had been suffering from a psychosis in the past and asked for my dismissal without notice.

The answer was: Insane? If it is nothing else!

Mr. H. even remarked, full of comprehension, that his sister had also had a psychosis.

Meanwhile, nothing really mattered anymore to me. I submitted at least two notices of resignation, but after persuasion by Mr. H., I withdrew them.

I did nothing apart from switching the computer on in the morning, sitting in front of it, going to the toilet from time to time, and switching it off in the evening. I didn't even talk to my colleagues and superiors anymore and asked myself why they wanted to keep me employed:

I no longer understood the world. But surprisingly, in the meantime, I had married.

One weekend I wanted to retreat to the Black Forest with my wife. Before, we had to supply ourselves with provisions.

In the car, I waited for my wife, who had gone alone to a market to buy food. Suddenly I saw Mr. Z., the supervisor of my research project, laughing in the company of a woman, crossing the street in front of my car. The only strange thing was that about an hour and a half later, at the Offenburg exit of the A5, which we had to take on our way to the Black Forest, I saw Mr. Z. again, in the same company behind a car parked in an openly visible area, crouching with laughter.

How did he know that we would pass by here?

I suffered a first breakdown in the spring of the year 2000 which hospitalized me for about two weeks and terminated my employment at the company m.

With my wife, I attended a church service later in the year 2000. The small congregation sat on the chairs in anticipation. Four or five people began to photograph the gathering in detail from the front.

Firstly, I hadn't authorized those photographers. Secondly, I wonder who these photographers were and for what purpose they took those photos. I felt too bad at that time to protest or inquire.

The sermon was about Faith, Love, Hope: I had mentioned these virtues during hypnotherapy with Mrs. G.

In this free church, the liturgy stipulated that the truth be revealed after the service.

The small congregation had risen from their seats and conversed in groups.

A youth with brown, curly hair, handsome and certainly a head taller than me, very likely a real ladies' man, approached me and proclaimed the word of God:

You're a stupid motherfucker!

After that service I drove home with my wife, infinitely blessed:

I decided to frequent this church more often in the future, to serve God, respectively the handsome youth, more often, because it was so inspiring.

Someday, a few weeks later, it was the autumn of the year 2000, I definitely had enough and had a second and much heavier breakdownn that led to months of hospitalization.

The elite of the earth

At this point, I would like to happily thank my tormentors and persecutors for the beautiful criminal feat that, as pointed out more than once, no longer deserves the name crime:

Congratulations to all those involved! I do not know how many were participating.

But I know that it was the scum of the earth.

In the Federal Republic of Germany, supposedly a democracy and a state under the rule of law, unfortunately neither the people nor the law prevail, but injustice enforced by a megalomaniac mob that considers itself an elite.

Instead of serving the state, as befits civil servants, they brazenly help themselves to its resources for personal, unconstitutional purposes, as in the juice store that was not run by a former chancellor.

And instead of assuming responsibility, they prefer to wreck the unimportant state to save their important - or beautiful, painstakingly and devotedly maintained - asses:

And immediately a thought occurs to me, for which I want to be hated even more, that it must have been Christians and women, in addition I donate womanizers, who betray humanity and humaneness to creep up the asses of wenches, at whose skirt-tails they are hanging.

It is always the stupidity and the stupor, sometimes the mental illness, as with the National Socialists or as with fundamentalist Christians, who kill, just like that, innocent people, even innocent women while riding a bicycle or jogging.

It's not men who murder women!

Do you understand that, women of this world, can you understand that or is that beyond your grasp as women?

However, to simply murder just like that, is, with good will, still within the realm of the human.

What has been done to me is no longer within the realm of the human.

First I ended up, once again, in the rehabilitation hospital Karlsbad-Langensteinbach for two or three weeks, with the dedicated Dr. C., of whom I had been suspicious for a long time and now even more so.

Where else should I go when apparently my whole fatherland had broken bad?

A few days after my release, it was a sunny spring day, I met with my wife in a coffee shop near the little church on Kaiserstrasse in downtown Karlsruhe.

I looked through a window onto the street and happened to see a bad-tempered Mrs. G., who of course had no business being there at that time of the day - early afternoon - as a self-employed alternative practitioner, but had come especially for me, accompanied by a crying woman whom I could not recognize for sure, but, in retrospect, it could have been the wife of my fellow student R.

They were in a bad mood and crying because I was still alive.

For this I apologize profusely: It is really scandalous that I did not kill myself a long time ago.

On 02/04/2016, I presented this story to the lawyer S., who, reportedly, later suffered a fatal car accident.

He said there was nothing one could do, everything was statute-barred, and so on and of course: As a mentally ill person, I was a second-class citizen.

For this instruction through the mouth of a lawyer, he charged 50 € plus 19% VAT.

The lie is a tactical weapon that leads, strategically employed, to self-dismantling

What I have narrated and alluded to here is in fact not at all statute-barred, as it is nothing short of jointly committed, attempted murder.

Obviously, someone played deliberately, at considerable financial expense and with psychiatric consultation, on the keyboard of my illness for the amusement of a morbid public that is not only blessed with a lack of common sense but also just happens to be into stories with mentally ill idiots.

In truth, the mentally ill are people who, while denying reality, are excruciatingly sane and content with themselves and the world.

The events of the years 1999 and 2000 in my sorrowful life - especially the senseless employment at the company m., the conspicuous Gendarmerie, the gig of the psychiatrist Dr. F., the fake article about men committing offenses against toddlers and babies, the children on the bridge on the way to work - were, of course, no coincidences, but premeditated and carefully planned acts that cost at least my annual salary at the company m., about 40000 DM.

How were the psychiatrists Dr. C. and Dr. F. persuaded to participate in this felony? Were they forced, with money?

For thoughts needed to be seeded:

I must have done something wrong:

My crime must be so heinous that I don't even deserve due process of law!

But what?

You look for embarrassing moments in your life and for mistakes that you have made.

Something involving a child? But how do they come up with that?

Oh no, now I understand: Do you really want to do this to me?

Years ago in their living room, my fellow student R. and his wife once played with me the game Trivial Pursuit.

Their daughter, then not much beyond toddler age, came running up to me, prompting the mother to say to my fellow student R.:

Don't let her get so close to him, you know I don't want that!

At the time I was amazed and thought: Why do you say that? Surely you know I wouldn't hurt your child!

Now, however, I remembered an even longer ago embarrassing incident with R's daughter.

They had persecuted and tormented me for years, provoking mistakes and embarrassments from which glorious crimes could be constructed and pinned on me.

Finally and delightedly, they thought they had me.

Or do I finally have them?, I courageously asked myself.

In fact, the little child had been the only joy in my life, in which I was degraded every day and deliberately harassed, ridiculed, mocked, and tortured so that I would kill myself or lose my mind for disenfranchisement.

And now I should have had nothing better to do than hurt this beloved child of all people?

Absurd. Tragic. A joke, of course, a crime against me.

But then again, I have a disposition that allows me to lose my mind and get lost in a maze.

For me, it's a serious, painful disease.

For others, it's an Achilles heel that can be exploited for hilariously comical entertainment and the even more comical obliteration of my entire, completely innocent family.

I was stunned: They really wanted do this to me:

And these murderers want to be saints!

The felons had already wanted to finish me off by suicide during my stay in the Basque city of Vitoria or in Madrid before the return flight.

If it had succeeded, one would have heard gruesome, but in the end certainly entertaining accusations, especially from the women from the third Vitoria apartment, to whom I did absolutely nothing.

For these planned crimes of defamation, you need a defenseless dead person or a disenfranchised inmate of a mental institution.

I really don't know if, by now, it's jointly committed attempted murder or jointly committed murder, if my father, mother, brother, wife or son are still alive:

Have they been replaced with similar looking, surgically re-engineered criminals?

In the years 1999 and 2000 they have deliberately and successfully planted, at some financial cost, in my mind the idea that I have done something to R.'s daughter while denying the wordless accusation.

This is tantamount, of course, to torturing a human being:

This is the plain truth and nothing but the truth: They torture innocent people in the Federal Republic of Germany.

In the name of what?

Indeed, these wonderful people pretended to be completely ignorant.

My particularly dedicated psychiatrist Dr. C., according to the Hippocratic Oath always committed only to the welfare of his patients, was really very amazed:

But Mr. Pfefferle, what makes you think that? You know perfectly well that you would never do such a thing.

During my thirty years of suffering, I had a big problem:

I had no proof.

I've only had evidence since 2016.

At the time, utterly desperate, I actually wanted to go to the police, which I had been avoiding all along because I didn't know who was responsible for the myriad of crimes and, moreover, I had no evidence.

As if in confirmation of the caution I had been exercising so far, Dr. C. smugly explained to me:

But Mr. Pfefferle, what do you think they will do if you go there? They'll bring you right back here!

There you go again, my big problem:

Although I was right about being accused of having committed a crime against a child by a planned, not quite cheap script, everyone denied it and the police wouldn't have known about anything either.

Had I looked for help from the police I would probably have ended up disenfranchised in a psychiatric institution!

One well earned enemy is worth a thousand friends

Occasionally, good friends visited me in the psychiatric clinic under the direction of the dedicated head physician Dr. C. of the Karlsbad-Langensteinbach rehabilitation center.

He invited my good friends to longer conversations behind closed doors, among others my fellow student R., whom he also thought very highly of, as he later confided to me, and the public prosecutor V.-K..

Regrettably, I had to remain outside, since, after all, they wanted to talk undisturbed about me.

Unfortunately, I have to assume that my good friends took pleasure in being lied to.

These saints knew nothing about anything, but were probably in time on site with the camera to enjoy the fruits of their labor and to share them fraternally with the lustful public.

Gorgeous, just as planned!

Now there had to be a back story:

To this end, the disciples of Hippocrates destroyed annoyingly boring and altogether disappointing records of my treatment in order to replace them for the public taste with more appropriate ones.

A psychiatrist still employed by Dr. C., who later attended me in the rehabilitation center Karlsbad-Langensteinbach, explained to me that Dr. C. had made no records whatsoever of my more than ten years lasting treatment.

Unfortunately, this is impossible.

Dr. C. destroyed his records or let them otherwise disappear, in order to be able to indulge his fantasies on white paper attributing them to me.

Man is a project

Man has an idea of what he - actually, but at present not yet - is.

L'homme est ce qu'il n'est pas et n'est pas ce qu'il est.
Sartre, L'Etre et le Néant

This is true not only for the individual human being, but for the whole human race, which, through Nietzsche, has dreamed up its next goal, thesuperhuman.

The great health, the blond beast, the will to power were in truth a nightmare.

But the core of the thought superhuman, namely that we are a project, not only as individuals but also as the species, is by no means only the nightmare of a madman.

The Journey to the End of the Night ends as soon as we have permanently the feeling of having realized our self.

The light of the accomplished self-realization displaces the darkness of self-alienation:

The night is going, the day is coming.

Whoever has reached this end of the night, the dawn, is presumably ready to die fulfilled at any time.

In the years 1999 and 2000 I said goodbye to this, in many ways, cruel world and died as a human being.

As a zombie, I crawled through the time that I wanted to kill.

When I would eventually get better, I wanted to make the truth public.

If I succeed now, it doesn't matter if I live or die:

I have given my life a meaning and told a story:

My life is to be a sacrifice for the people who deeply suffer from a nervous disorder but are, by popular misconception, inaccurately labeled mentally ill.

I will have myself murdered here.

Until my last gasp, will I despise this world.

But I had and have sworn to myself, to win, beforehand, after losing almost all the battles in this war, the war itself, even with a mortal wound.

La fin.